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/ QRZ! Ham Radio 21 / QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 21.iso / CALLBK / GIFS / HA5WG.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2002-08-12  |  22KB  |  400x257  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: ITU ZONE: 28 HUNGARY - EUROPE CQ ZONE: 15 HA5WG Budapest Letter address: TO RADIO: MA CSÉPÁNYI LÁSZLÓ DAY MONTH YEAR 2-WAY REPORT Beton út 58. H-2213 Monorierdő, e-mail: caloci@freemail.hu Many thanks for the contact and I hope i wil see you again in the near future! Please send me your card to my DNICC. IDIA. ITU, WAE. WAS, WAZ WPX Awordt Thanks for helpl ESO VERIFIED 73 & DXI LACI MRASZ OSL BUREAU: BUDAPEST &. Box 214. H.1364